Led Screen Hire
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If you look closely, you’ll soon realise that digital signage is everywhere.
From bus stops to tube stations to doctors, digital signage is readily available to businesses. But why choose digital signage over traditional paper and billboards? Whether you sell to customers or need to interact with the general public, digital signage can change the way you operate your business. Here are our top reasons for embracing LED screens and the digital revolution.
- Immediacy. Why wait to print fliers, or have a new sign built before reaching out to customers? Update content on digital signage within seconds. You can advertise a flash sale, or let people know about a change in operating hours without having to look unprofessional with a stick on sign.
- Make money from advertising. There’s a reason people put up ‘no bills here’ and ‘no junk mail’ signs. If there is an opportunity to advertise, there is a business willing to take advantage of it. Digital signage allows you to bring in extra revenue by renting out digital ad space.
- Show off. Digital signage looks swish! Who wasn’t impressed when they first appeared in London Underground stations? Consider how awe-inspired you felt watching the adverts going up the escalators. So if you’re in a position to implement it, do. Show your customers and clients that you’re operating at a higher level than your competitors.
- Keep up with the competition. If your competitor is using digital signage, you need to find a way to implement it into your own business strategy in order to convince customers to stay loyal.
- Boost marketing with very little effort. Effectively and efficiently communicate messages with your customers and clients. Broaden the reach of your marketing efforts and create a holistic strategy.
- Engage with employees and update customers. On-premises, digital signage can be used in addition to, and instead of traditional audio announcements.
- Bring the outside in. Connect with news and social media outlets to display regular updates. You can encourage interaction by streaming Twitter conversations or display event photos. Perfect for conferences or evening events.
- Build brand awareness. Economic in the long run, and environmentally friendly, digital signage is easier than printing and transporting stacks of fliers. Got a typo? No problem, fix it quickly and no money wasted. If you have partners or operate an advertising exchange, having your logo appear offsite will build brand awareness in areas that you would not usually have access to. You will have to offer to do the same for another organisation, but choosing the right partner (complimentary, not competition) will make all the difference.
Do you need stunning visuals for your digital signage for an upcoming exhibit or event? LED Screen Hire offers different video display solutions that are tailored to your needs and budget. We offer fantastic deals when you hire from us. Our LED screen rental packages include a production team to work with you to design your event. They will communicate with you from the moment you request a quote, to when the lights come down on your event. Our team have the experience, knowledge and required training to assemble and strike equipment, programme and operate lighting shows and project manage your event.