Choose the right colour lighting for your event

stage lighting

One of the most important things to plan for any event is the not the seating or table plan, or even the entertainment. It’s the lighting. Lighting helps to create a space that sets the right tone for your event, and can even be used effectively for both interior and exterior decor. But for this to be successful, you need to choose the right lighting colour. But why is this so important? Well, here at Light Design Ltd, we are leading event lighting experts. From music festivals and stage lighting, to award ceremonies and gala dinners, we are the lighting professionals you can count on. And this is our guide to help you choose the right colour lighting for your event.

Lighting colours

Colours are always associated with something. Whether its a mood or a feeling, a brand or a company, or even a personal memory, colours can trigger responses on a range of levels. And so using the right colours for your event can help to:

  • Create the right atmosphere/mood- whether you need your guests to be on their feet and dancing, or quiet and sedentary, listening to a keynote lecture, the colour of the lighting can help to achieve this.
  • Bring practical advantages- the right lighting isn’t just about aesthetic appeal, its also about practicalities too. The visibility of your venue is an important practical consideration and some areas of your venue will need to be more well lit than others. Good light design, and effective light colours can help to keep your guests safe, without compromising on style or visual interest.
  • Grab attention- many events need a feature, to grab the attention of the audience and impress them right from the start. Lighting can be used to achieve this, as long as you use the right colours.

Choose the right colour lighting for your event

So, how can you be sure to choose the right colour lighting for your event? Well, you should consider:

  • The theme of your event- if your event has a theme, you could use appropriate colours to suit your event theme and decor. Colour wash lighting for example, can be used to wash the whole room in one colour, which is a great way to set a blank canvas for the rest of your decor and design features. Or alternatively, gobo projection could be used, to project light shapes and patterns that are relevant to your theme.
  • The tone of your event- if your event is lively and upbeat, with audience or guest members expected to be actively participating, then vibrant action colours like reds and oranges can be a good option. For more relaxed and serious events, blues and greens can be a better choice, as these colours are naturally calm.
  • Company branding- if you are hosting a corporate event or dinner, you could light your venue with company colours. This is a good way to build company morale and celebrate your business.

For more information or advice, get in touch with the team today, here at Light Design Ltd.